Learning to Read
We don't stock reading schemes at Suffolk Libraries, but we do have thousands of titles available to reserve and borrow for free from any branch, and lots of advice to help create little readers. Here are our top tips on learning to read.
Let children choose their own books
It doesn't really matter what the book is, as long as they enjoy it. Try to provide a wide selection to choose from - the library is perfect for this, as you can borrow 20 books on each card at a time, and there are no fines on children's books.
Share stories
Enjoy reading books out loud together. Point to the words as you say them and take it in turns, or read the first half and then give them some time to explore the rest on their own. Funny books and ones with rhymes work well, especially those with lots of repetition.
Repetitive reading
Children often love reading or hearing the same book over and over again. As they become familiar with the words and rhythm of a book, they get to experience reading fluently with expression and without stumbling. Once they are confident in their ability to tell the story, they can look more deeply into the text and illustrations which enhances comprehension.
Little and often
The more you read, the better you get at it! Try to introduce plenty of opportunities for reading. Reading aloud together, books at bedtime, listening to audiobooks, browsing comics or magazines, and following recipes and instructions are all good ways to get more reading into their day.
Talk about reading
Read yourself and be seen reading. Talking about books helps children realise how exciting they are. Show an interest in what they've read, ask questions about it, and swap thoughts and opinions.
Bring books to life
There are lots of fun things children can do with books beyond reading them! Activities like drawing a favourite character or acting out scenes, organising treasure hunts related to a book subject or story. Create your own book using drawings or photos from your day, or play 'What happens next?' when you've read the last page.
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