Help with dyslexia
Find out about dyslexia and Irlen syndrome and how the library can help your children. We also have a variety of super-readable, dyslexia-friendly books for children and teens available to borrow.
Local and national organisations that can help struggling readers of all ages and abilities. We also lend books that are designed for adults and children who have difficulty reading, as well as CD and digital audiobooks.
Read Easy Ipswich
Not-for-profit organisation that recruits, trains and supports volunteers to give one-to-one tuition to adults who struggle with reading.
Let's Talk Reading
Charity that works with schools to support parents who are struggling to read to become more confident in talking and reading with their children and to improve their own literacy skills.
Suffolk Dyslexia Association
Small local charity which gives information and support to parents of school age children and adults with dyslexia.
Indigo Centre
East Anglia based registered charity whose aim is to help any individual or organisation with any dyslexia related issues. ranging from screening, guidance, resources and training workshops.
Confidential and impartial information, advice and support service on issues related to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
National charity that recruits and supports volunteers to work with children 3-13yrs who are struggling with their reading.
Advice from the UK's largest reading charity.
National Literacy Trust
Charity which works with schools and communities to give disadvantaged children the literacy skills to succeed in life.
We hold a large collection of free to borrow CD and digital audiobooks on our catalogue. You can find them by choosing 'Adult spoken word CD set' from the 'Collection menu'.
We also have free eAudiobooks.
Barrington Stoke books
Great 'super-readable' children's books specially optimised for those with dyslexia and visual stress, tailored to age-related interest rather than reading level.
Find out about dyslexia and Irlen syndrome and how the library can help your children. We also have a variety of super-readable, dyslexia-friendly books for children and teens available to borrow.
Our libraries are the perfect place to support children reading for pleasure. With 1000s of titles in stock, all free to borrow and reserve, there's something for every kind of reader.
Studies have shown that children develop greater motivation to read when they can choose their own reading matter, so it’s really important to have as wider choice of books available as possible.