Finding the right book at the right time

A quick guide to choosing a book for you or your child

Often the key to reading for pleasure is the idea of finding the right books at the right time. Studies have shown that children develop greater motivation to read when they can choose their own reading matter, so it’s really important to have as wider choice of books available as possible by encouraging children to use the public library as well as the school library.

Choice can be overwhelming, but book covers are designed to be eye-catching and to tell you something about the book inside. If you have a library or book corner, display as many titles as possible face out and at eye-level.

Talking about books is a great way to grow your own knowledge and increase a child’s confidence in their reading choices. Ask questions like ‘what kind of books do you like reading? What was the last book you enjoyed? What did you like about it?’ and actively listen to the reply, sharing your own favourite reads too.

Take a look at this guidance from the Literacy Trust on choosing a good book:

  • Look - Browse the bookshelves and have a good look at the books.
  • Cover - Does the cover look interesting? Is it like books you've tried before?
  • Blurb - What does the blurb tell you? Does it make you want to read the book?
  • Genre - Is this the type of story you enjoy? Comedy, adventure, fantasy?
  • Try - Read a few pages. Do you want to know what happens next? It's okay to put it back if it doesn't feel right.
  • Count - Open the book and read a page. Every time you find a word you don't know, count one finger. If you get to five, the book is probably too hard.
  • Ask - Your librarian, teachers, parents, carers and friends can recommend you a book to read!

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