How it works
The online catalogue contains our complete collection of physical titles.
You need to have a library card to reserve and borrow titles online. If you don’t have a library card, you can apply for free online or by visiting any of our libraries.
- Browse our online catalogue using the search function
- Once you’ve found what you’re looking for, you can view which libraries currently have a copy in stock
- You can also reserve titles to be sent to your local library, free of charge
You can set up email notifications to receive reminders for when:
- A title you’ve reserved is available for collection
- A reminder for when it’s due back, and overdue
You can reserve up to 20 titles for collection. You can also renew books online and pay any overdue charges on your account.
Need some help?
We’ve created step by step instructions on how to use the catalogue, including how to find and reserve titles, and setting up notifications.
If you’re having problems using the catalogue, contact our customer service team. Our friendly team can help you with any account queries, including applying for a library card, loans, reservations and more.
Our team is available Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM.