Rest to Reset: The Busy Person's Guide to Pausing with Purpose

As a society, we are more exhausted than ever before but despite hearing the call to relax, many of us find it hard to switch off. We see busyness as a badge of honour but, ask yourself, does this approach to life work for you? Self-care expert Suzy Reading is here to challenge everything you've ever been told or told yourself about rest. Rest is not only calming and restorative, but energising and fortifying, a way of preparing you for the days, weeks or months ahead. You can also reset in as little as one minute - when we're already struggling to find a work-life balance, many of us feel like we don't have time to rest. This book is here to take the pressure off. Rest need not be another thing to add to your heaving schedule, many practices take seconds and can be woven into everyday life in no extra time.

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