Living With ME and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

ME/CFS affects an estimated 250,000 people in the UK, roughly 3 in every 1,000 people. Chronic fatigue conditions are some of the most frustrating and life-altering conditions to suffer from, so why are they still so poorly understood? As of 2020, medical science still cannot explain why some people get chronic fatigue syndromes and there is very little effective treatment. While many people with ME/CFS are able to live a fairly normal life despite their symptoms, a significant minority have symptoms so severe that they are confined to their house, or even their bed, and suicide rates are well above the national average. This much-needed, evidence-based guide for people struggling with ME/CFS, or their friends and family, provides information and advice about the nature of the condition, how it progresses, and what they can do to improve their health.

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