Young adult books for Pride Month

Something To Be Proud Of

Imogen Quinn is a chaotic bisexual with dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian, crushing stereotypes about autistic people. When she decides to put on a pride festival that's accessible for everyone, she enlists the help of the openly gay captain of the football team, Ollie Armstrong. Dealing with the fallout from his parents' divorce, Ollie is initially hesitant. But it doesn't take long for him to be swept up by Imogen's passion, and he's not the only one. Joined by the (infuriatingly perfect) head girl, musicians, an artist and a star baker - a dream team soon assembles to help plan pride and tackle injustices in their school and beyond. You'd better listen out - they're getting ready to make some noise. Packed full of fun, forever friendships and fighting back.

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If You'll Have Me

Momo Gardner is the kind of friend who's always ready to lend a helping hand. She's introverted, sensitive, and maybe a little too trusting, but she likes to believe the best in people. PG, on the other hand, is a bit of a lone wolf, despite her reputation for being a flirt and a player. Underneath all that cool mystery, she's actually quick to smile, and when she falls for someone, she falls hard. An unexpected meet-cute brings the two together, kicking off the beginning of an awkward yet endearing courtship. With their drastically different personalities, Momo's overprotective friend, and PG's past coming back to haunt her, Momo and PG's romance is put to the test.

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The Borrow a Boyfriend Club

When 16 year old Noah starts at a new school, he has a plan to ensure the students see him as his true gender: join the school's secretive Borrow a Boyfriend Club, where members rent themselves out to their classmates for dates. The endless 'accidental slip-ups' that plagued him at his last school will be a thing of the past once he joins the Club; after all, it has 'boy' right in the title. But he fails the audition. Desperate, he strikes a deal with the Club's prickly president, Asher: he'll help lead the nearly-bankrupt Club to victory at the school's fundraising dance competition, and in exchange Asher will allow Noah to prove his skills as a boyfriend in a series of tests that include romancing Asher himself. As Noah passes test after test, his fake romance with Asher starts to feel surprisingly real, and Noah is faced with a dilemma. Will Noah risk breaking the rules for a chance at love?

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Queerbook is an invitation to discover and celebrate queer joy, past and present. It’s a whistlestop tour of all the fun (and serious) queer stuff that the foghorn of straight culture drowns out, and that you deserve to know: heroes and histories, science and stories, art, spaces, music, film, TV, fashion – along with jargon-free breakdowns of terms from sexuality and gender identity, to code-switching, intersectionality, bi-erasure, straightwashing, and much, much more.

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Breaks Vol 1

Cortland Hunt has made some dangerous mistakes. Now he's waiting quietly for those mistakes to catch up with him. Ian Tanner coasts through life denying the spark of anger beneath his laid back exterior. When school politics and personal lives become a battleground, the pair find that what they share may just be their only safe haven. Bringing the world of LGBT young adult fiction into the realm of comic books, and collecting the first arc of the acclaimed weekly web series (2014-2016).

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Homebody: An Ode to an Adobe

Hello! I'm Theo. I like cats, Dungeons & Dragons - and I'm trans and non-binary. Ever since I was young, I've been on a journey to explore who I am. To discover the things that make me - me. Sometimes it can feel like the world is trying to fit you into a box, to label you one way or another, but there is nothing more wonderful than finding your true authentic self, whoever you are. Whether you are transgender or cisgender, we are all searching for ways to make our houses feel like homes. In 'Homebody', Theo tells the heartwarming story of discovering how to live life on their own terms.

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