Reading Quest: Saxon Ship of Sutton Hoo

The Anglo-Saxons are Coming!

The fierce Anglo-Saxons are coming! This book describes how the Anglo-Saxons invaded and conquered much of Britain. Anglo-Saxon ships, raids and fighting style are all explored, alongside their beliefs and ways of life, to build up a true picture of these famous invaders. It concludes with a look at the Anglo-Saxons' legacy in Britain today.

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Smashing Saxons

Readers can discover all the foul facts about the SMASHING SAXONS, including who got cow pats as Christmas presents, why wearing a pig on your head is lucky and how to make a dead Saxon happy. With a bold, accessible new look and a heap of extra-horrible bits, these bestselling titles are sure to be a huge hit with yet another generation of Terry Deary fans.

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Riddle of the Runes

Alva rushes through the trees in the dead of night with her sniffer wolf, Fen. Being out alone when there's a kidnapper on the loose is reckless, but if she ever wants to be an investigator like her Uncle Magnus, she'll need to be first to the crime scene. But what Alva discovers raises more questions than it answers, drawing her into a dangerous search for truth, and for treasure.

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Erik the Viking

This is the tale of a Viking warrior who lived hundreds and hundreds of years ago. His name was Erik. His ship was called Golden Dragon, and its figurehead was a fierce monster carved out of wood, and covered with gold leaf. One day Erik said to his wife, 'I must find the land where the sun goes at night'. But his wife replied, 'No one has ever been to that far country. And of those who have tried few have ever returned'. As Erik and the crew of the Golden Dragon set off in search of adventure, their courage, skill, strength and stamina will all be tested to the extreme.

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Anglo-Saxon Boy

Magnus is the son of Harold Godwinson, lord of the Southern Saxons and ruthlessly ambitious claimant to the throne of England. Overnight, Magnus finds himself cast centre-stage in the blood-soaked family feud that led to one of history's most famous battles. This is the family tragedy behind 1066: live it with Magnus, as the wolves of history close in on his Anglo-Saxon boyhood.

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How to Train Your Dragon

sIn the first How to Train Your Dragon book Hiccup must lead ten novices in their initiation into the Hairy Hooligan Tribe. They have to train their dragons or be BANISHED from the tribe FOR EVER! But what if Hiccup's dragon resembles an ickle brown bunny with wings? And has NO TEETH? The Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus is stirring and wants to devour every Viking on the Isle of Berk . . .Can Hiccup save the tribe - and become a Hero?

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In fifth-century Denmark, a murderous monster stalks the night, and only the great prince of the Geats has the strength and courage to defeat him. This work retells and illustrates Beowulf's terrifying quest to destroy Grendel, the foul fiend, a hideous sea-hag and a monstrous fire-dragon.

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The Buried Crown

Britain is on the brink of invasion. George is sent to the countryside while his brother and guardian, Charlie, fights overseas. But the war is closer than he thinks. Nearby, an ancient burial ground hides a treasure Hitler is desperate to possess. George must find and protect it before it's too late.

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Murray the Viking

Murray is a cat. Murray loves snoozing, fluffy blankets, and peace and quiet. Bun is a bun. Bun loves. EVERYTHING! And together they are unstoppable! SOMETIMES Murray's enchanted cat flap leads to the garden, but mostly it leads to ADVENTURE! And when Murray and Bun travel through the cat flap and find themselves in a land of VIKINGS, they are given a VERY IMPORTANT MISSION: to travel to TROLL ISLAND and rescue Eggrik the Viking - if he hasn't already been gobbled up by the trolls, that is.

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