eBooks on Libby

Explore thousands of free eBooks and audiobooks on the Libby app by OverDrive

The Libby app offers thousands of free eBooks and audiobooks, from the latest crime thrillers to timeless classics. Start downloading for free straight away — all you need is a library card.

Looking to borrow free eBooks and audiobooks in your browser? Visit the OverDrive website or the Libby website.

How it works

Your library card gives you free access to the Libby app, which allows you to download eBooks and audiobooks to your phone or tablet. You can also read the same titles in your browser (such as Chrome, Edge or Firefox) from the Overdrive website, and plug your eReader into your PC to transfer eBooks across to an eReader, such as a Kobo or Nook.

You can borrow a maximum of 10 eBook and audiobook titles on the Libby app for up to 3 weeks.

Get started

All you need is your library card number. Apply for a library card now — we can get a number to you within a couple of working days.

You can start using Libby through:

  • Downloading the free Libby app from the iOS App Store
  • Downloading the free Libby app from the Google Play store
  • Visiting the Libby website
  • Plugging your eReader into your PC and downloading the title

The quickest way is to install the app. Search for “Libby” in the iOS or Google Play app stores and follow the instructions.

How to set Libby up

Devices compatible with Libby
Setting up on a smart phone or tablet
Setting up on an eReader
Setting up on a computer
Borrowing titles on a smart phone or tablet with the Libby app
Borrowing titles on an eReader (OverDrive)
Borrowing titles on an eReader (Libby)
Borrowing titles on a computer
Adding more library cards
Removing library cards from the Libby app
Accessing your account information
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