Our catalogue
Our online catalogue has millions of books, audiobook CDs, DVDs and more – our complete collection of physical titles, available to borrow from any library in Suffolk.
Guides and help articles on how to use our online catalogue, collecting items from your chosen library, and borrowing periods.
Our online catalogue has millions of books, audiobook CDs, DVDs and more – our complete collection of physical titles, available to borrow from any library in Suffolk.
You can reserve a title to collect from any library in Suffolk. We don't charge for reservations, unless you're borrowing from another library service.
How to collect a title you've reserved from the catalogue, renew titles to extend your loan period, and return a title you've finished with.
Full list of borrowing periods and overdue charges for both physical titles and eLibrary titles.
Find out more about what to do if you've lost a title or it has become damaged while out on loan.
If you have a Suffolk Libraries card, you can borrow titles from other library services.